Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Thematic Maps

A thematic map is a form of map that is very beneficial when wanting to illustrate a particular aspect of a region.   A thematic map can show the distribution of political parties,  topography and other topics.
Dot Distribution Map
A dot distribution map is one that illustrates the subject matter by dots. If intense the dots merge.

Image of thematic map
Source:  http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/92-195-x/2011001/other-autre/theme/def-eng.htm

Choropleth Map

The choropleth map using color to show density.

Source:  http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2011/03/28/protecting-canadas-blue-forest/

Color Patch Map

This map shows the distribution of time zones within Canada's provinces by using color to signify each.
Source: http://www.tvdsb.ca/webpages/waltersb/cgc1d.cfm?subpage=236622






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